Sergei tretyakov the biography of the objects

  • Sergei tretyakov the biography of the objects
  • Sergei tretyakov the biography of the objects

  • Sergei tretyakov the biography of the objects that changed
  • Sergei tretyakov the biography of the objects you have
  • Sergei tretyakov the biography of the objects that came
  • Sergei tretyakov the biography of the objects found
  • Sergei tretyakov the biography of the objects you have...

    Museum der Dinge. Object biography as concept, method, genre

    Whether in production, in use, when something is lost or needs to be repaired, a thing always grows a kind of destiny: “Objects are given away, sold and auctioned, loved and kept, collected and exhibited, they disappear and are found again, they are stolen and sometimes returned.

    They travel the world or lie in drawers and storage for years. They break, are thrown away, restored and recycled.” So each thing has its own story.

    Sergei tretyakov the biography of the objects that changed

    But, asks the “Museum of Things” in Berlin, “can things also tell their own lives?” What is part of their object biography, what is mere interpretation? “A proud teapot and a homeless drum,” reads the announcement, “a warlike chamber pot and an antique gold coin, Goethe’s shoe buckle and Lou Reed’s wax doll, a depressed cell phone, Kafka’s Odradek, Bernd the Bread and 50 other things” provide answers through Sept.

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