Saint rose of lima biography prayer quotes
Saint dorothy!
Saint rose of lima biography prayer quotes
Rose of Lima
Gracious God
Gracious God,
you filled the heart of St Rose
with charity and missionary zeal,
and gave her the desire
to make you known among all peoples.
Fill us who honour her memory today,
with that same love and zeal
to extend your kingdom to the ends of the earth.
We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God forever and ever.
Flower of Sanctity
O St. Rose, flower of sanctity in the New World, let the fragrance of thy virtues diffuse itself in our lives.
Grant that we may imitate thy holy purity; obtain for us courage in the practice of penance.
Teach us, O St.
Rose, to love Christ Crucified and Mary His Mother.
Beseech Thy Divine Spouse, to bless all the Americas, which give thanks for thy glory to him, the Giver of all good gifts. Amen.
Love of God
God our Father, for love of You, St.
Rose gave up everything to devote herself to a life of penance