Jane marcet biography
Jane marcet biography
Jane marcet biography children.
Marcet, Jane (1769–1858)
First English-language author of scientific texts for women . Name variations: Jane Haldimand or Jane Haldimond; Jane Haldimand Marcet or Jane Haldimond Marcet.
Born in 1769, in London, England; died in London in 1858; daughter of Anthony Francis Haldimand (a merchant) and Jane Haldimand; married Alexander John Gaspard Marcet (a physician), in 1799 (died 1822); three children.
Selected writings:
Conversations on Chemistry: Intended More Specifically for the Female Sex (1805); Conversations on Political Economy (1816); Conversations on Natural Philosophy (1819); Conversations on Vegetable Physiology (1829); Bertha's Visit to Her Uncle in England (1830); John Hopkins's Notions on Political Economy (1833); Rich and Poor (1851).
Though it may seem remarkable that scientific texts were once geared exclusively to the gender of the reader, it is perhaps equally remarkable that the mere possibility, and even the safety, of this kind of educati