Lonny shavelson biography templates

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    Lonny shavelson biography templates free

    Lonny Shavelson, MD heads the Bay Area End of Life Options team of consultants and patient advocates. He worked for 29 years as an emergency department physician, then 7 as a primary care physician in a clinic for immigrants and refugees.

    He is now a consultant, educator and physician for patients at the end of their lives who are considering various options, including physician aid-in-dying. He also consults with doctors who have patients requesting aid-in-dying as one possible route to their death.

    Lonny shavelson biography templates

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  • Dr. Shavelson also leads trainings about California’s End of Life Option Act.

    Dr. Shavelson has been deeply interested in issues about end-of-life care for patients for more than twenty years. He was one of five authors of the proposed “Physician-Hastened Death” guidelines by the Bay Area Network of Ethics Committees, published in 1997 in The Western Journal of Medicine.

    He also was involved in the writing of amicus briefs for the Supreme Court when it considered the issue in 1996