Sudip pandey biography of rory

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    Bhojpuri cinema actor Sudip Pandey dies of heart attack: cardiologist explains why the young are at high risk

    To help us understand this worrying trend, Dr Kumar answers three important questions about why heart attacks are striking younger people more often.

    Why youngsters need to watch out for heart attacks

    Young people face an increasing risk of heart attacks due to poor lifestyle choices like lack of exercise, unhealthy diets, and high stress levels.

    Sudip pandey biography of rory

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  • Rising obesity rates are a major concern, as they lead to early cardiovascular issues. Smoking, excessive drinking, and neglecting exercise further harm heart health.

    Poor sleep and reliance on junk food worsen cholesterol levels and clog arteries, while academic and career stress drive up blood pressure, heightening heart attack risks.

    The young have to adopt healthy habits early: exercise regularly, eat a balanced diet, and manage stress effectively to protect their heart.

    Why are the young vulnerable?

    Heart disease has long