Mitch dobrowner civilization meaning

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    Mitch dobrowner civilization meaning

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  • Mitch Dobrowner: Eye of the Storm

    Master Class

    Words: Stuart I. Frolick

    “All my images are composed in camera, and every picture is an expression of what I saw and how I felt while taking it.”

    Veil, Buffalo, South Dakota, 2012

    Since picking up a camera after a 20-year hiatus, Mitch Dobrowner has done much more than make up for lost time; he’s secured a place for himself in the annals of landscape photography.

    He shoots, for the most part, in remote locations, and in the case of his dramatic storm pictures, he seeks out, chases and braves weather conditions from which most of us would run. But beyond getting himself to the right place at the right time, Dobrowner brings with him an artist’s passion and a scientist’s understanding—both of what he sees and how the camera sees—as well as a fair amount of blood, sweat and, presumably, joyful tears.

    While the uninitiated may mistake him for a Photoshop wizard, Dobrowner assures us that his images are created in-camera with